The Untitled Space is an art gallery located in Tribeca, New York in a landmark building on Lispenard Street. Founded in 2015, the gallery features exhibits of emerging and established contemporary artists exploring conceptual frameworks and boundary-pushing ideology through mediums of painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography, video, and performance art. The gallery is committed to exploring new ideas vis-à-vis traditional and new mediums and highlights a program of women in art. 

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Exhibitions by The Untitled Space gallery include solo shows for artists Sarah Maple, Rebecca Leveille, Alison Jackson, Fahren Feingold, Jessica Lichtenstein, Philip A. Robinson Jr., Tom Smith, Loren Erdrich, Kat Toronto aka Miss Meatface, Katie Commodore, Giulia Grillo aka Petite Doll, Jeanette Hayes, Grace Graupe-Pillard and Robin Tewes, as well as group shows “INNOVATE,” “UNRAVELED: Confronting The Fabric of Fiber Art,” “Art4Equality x Life, Liberty & The Pursuit of Happiness” public art exhibition and group show presented in collaboration with Save Art Space, “BODY BEAUTIFUL,” “IRL: Investigating Reality,” Special Projects “EDEN” and “(HOTEL) XX” at SPRING/BREAK Art Show; ”SECRET GARDEN,” “SHE INSPIRES,” and internationally-celebrated group shows “UPRISE/ANGRY WOMEN” and “ONE YEAR OF RESISTANCE,” as well as numerous other critically-acclaimed exhibitions.

Press on The Untitled Space includes Vogue (US), Vogue Italia, Forbes, Newsweek, W Magazine, Harper’s Bazaar, Teen Vogue, New York Magazine, i-D Magazine, Dazed, Artnet, Artsy, Hyperallergic, Marie Claire, CNN Style, Huffington Post and The New York Times among many others.

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