Lola Jiblazee
Online Viewing Room:
Lola Jiblazee
July 21 – October 21, 2020
The Untitled Space is pleased to present “Lola Jiblazee: TRUE WORLD STORY” an online solo exhibition featuring artist Lola Jiblazee, curated by Indira Cesarine, premiering on Tuesday July 21st, 2020 and on view through October 21st, 2020.
Lola Jiblazee is a New York based artist from Tbilisi, Georgia. She primarily works with acrylic paint and digital forms to create her art. Influenced in her formative years by strong female role models during Georgia’s Civil War, Lola developed a passion to echo the empowerment of women. Jiblazee grew up in the Republic of Georgia in the nineties during a Civil War. She had been under curfew and isolated, went without water and electricity, and was separated from loved ones for months. Those experiences greatly affected how she viewed the world. She struggled to overcome the PTSD that ensued but the experiences also made her stronger. Through her artwork, she attempts to convey how others can find joy in simple things which can help overcome tough times and remind people how beautiful life can be.
Lola Jiblazee’s latest series “TRUE WORLD STORY” explores hope, love, and courage during the COVID-19 pandemic. Isolated during the lockdown, Lola turned to social media and has asked her followers to share their positive quarantine stories. Those stories helped Lola to fight off her own anxieties and inspired her latest series, with each painting including the personal story of her subjects.
Lola Jiblazee “Netty and Kellen in BK” 2020 – Acrylic on Canvas – Dimensions 50 x 60 x 1.5in
Netty and Kellan, Brooklyn, New York: “We met in the Fall of 2018 and her maniacal smile leaked out from her black leather jacket and shorts. We were at a bar called The Immigrant, and both enjoyed the coincidence. The only pictures I had seen were of her wet in the rain, with that same rebellious grin. Now that fiery rebel is quarantined and we are two atheists posing as Adam and Eve in a house full of plants, running low on forbidden fruit. Love and lustful youth lie in playful repose here, looking for a future that reflects more than death and stasis.” – Kellen
Lola Jiblazee “Chanel in Seattle” 2020, Acrylic on Canvas – Dimensions 50 x 60 x 1.5in. Available – More Info
Chanel, Seattle, Washington: “Think about this – when it comes down to it, the true essence of life is measured in our experiences. That means that being rich in experiences is the new wealth. You never get time back; isn’t time the most valuable commodity we have? When I started critical care nursing, I knew that it was. I have invested my time in people and have received an abundant return. A wealth of experiences. My name is Chanel, I am 35, a critical care nurse on the frontline of the pandemic and I am rich in experiences as a nurse. Through the fog COVID-19 has given us the space to think about where are we investing our time. Use it. Although the current global health climate, especially for us as healthcare workers, is panicky and at times draining. And I may not know if this is something even I make it out of, but I know I am doing what I love and that’s nurse. “ – Chanel
Lola Jiblazee “Kara and OJ in Upstate New York” 2020 – Acrylic on Canvas – Dimensions 46 x 56 x 1.5in
Kara and OJ, Upstate New York: “My husband got sick, and with his new occupation as a reluctant social media corona triage, I felt that he was getting sicker mentally. After our friend SAME passed away, I knew we had to get away, as the ritual was when a graffiti writer dies, his crew goes out and writes his name all over the city. Everyone was mourning, and nobody was social distancing. Their brother passed, and this was all they new. I booked a rare Airb&b in Roxbury New York – The waterfall house – and took a few friends with us for the week, and for the first time in months, we felt human again. Buy the end of the week they went home, but we found another Airb&b nearby, and booked that for 2 weeks. This one had a pond and a dog that adopted us as parents. By the 2nd day we booked another AirB&B, this one for a month. The day we moved in, the riots started in NYC. We had a pool, but because my husband couldn’t March, we never used it. The month ended, and another friend died. We went home for the funeral, and after watching our front door step turn into an open air beer garden, we tore up our lease and moved everything into storage. We escaped NY on Independence Day, ironic because it felt like war, and we were leaving Vietnam. We are now back upstate, not in that barn loft, but in a secluded home on the side of a hill. The comfortably callous apathy of luck. We are closer now than we’ve ever been.” – Kara
Lola Jiblazee “Jordan in Brooklyn” 2020, Acrylic on Canvas – Dimensions 60 x 48 x 1.5in. Available – More Info
Jordan, Brooklyn, New York: “Because I’m a wildly shy introvert, with the wildly useful skill of pretending to be an extrovert, isolation isn’t really that difficult. But, what IS proving to be difficult, are the incessant unknowns- that every morning has this strange dystopian quality to it, this slippery unease. This solitude requires of us a harkening back to some kind of simplicity; what feels safe, when there isn’t much safety? I had read a book where the author spoke of how the Greek root of the word “crisis” means to sift. When I’m lost in a book, the world falls into the peripheral just enough; my mental landscape starts shift. I can see new colors, I can appreciate the old colors. Perspective. Connection. Sifting. Right now, the whole world is in the process of sifting; what’s essential? What do we take for granted? How do we protect each other? We’re all taking part in a complicated, and painful, and hopefully, redemptive story. And this chapter will indeed, end. But in the meantime, I’ll be in the tub reading…” – Jordan
Lola Jiblazee “Yonah, Kat and Andre in NYC” 2020 – Acrylic on Canvas – Dimensions 50 x 60 x 1.5in
Yonah, Kat, and Andre, New York, New York: “Yonah arrived in March, and almost immediately after, I was hospitalized with an infection and flu. My mom took care of Yonah at her apartment while Andre and my grandmother stayed with me. It was the beginning of the Covid panic, the hospital looked like a war zone, the doctors and nurses could barely keep up with anyone’s care. For days, they couldn’t confirm my diagnosis while my fevers reached 105 degrees. It was the first time I’ve been scared about my health; but it was a different kind of fear – I just wanted to be able to see my son. My mom would send us photos so that we felt present for every outfit change, facial expression, etc., but it just made me feel more anxious and impatient to see Yonah. Now that we’re together, I don’t take a single moment for granted and am embracing being cooped up in a one bedroom apartment, even when it feels boring or scary” – Kat
Lola Jiblazee “Loretta in Switzerland” 2020 – Acrylic on Canvas – Dimensions 60 x 50 x 1.5in. Available – More Info
Loretta, Switzerland: “Like most people, when this all started, I was telling myself I had to use this time extra productively so I’d have something to show for at the end of it. And everyone else seemed to excel at being productive while I was finding it impossible to focus on anything, I still can’t even get through a whole film. Made me feel like I was failing at quarantining. So I decided to use this opportunity to live hedonistically for the time being – so now I only do what I’m in the mood for, and some days that’s red wine for breakfast. Sanity over productivity!”- Loretta
Lola Jiblazee “Elayna and Napo in LES” 2020 Acrylic on Canvas – Dimensions 50 x 60 x 1.5in
Elayna and Napo, Lower East Side, New York tell their story: “During this ugly time, I’ve decided to do something beautiful & come back (after a decade) to the starting point of my passion within dance, ballet. This time helped me remember who i used to be & realize what kind of dancer I want to be after this. I take ballet class in my living room, while my bf, who worked full time, gets some self quality time. He does his thing for a while & I do mine & then we come together & do things we both enjoy doing w/ one another. keep the love alive!” – Elayna
Lola Jiblazee in studio
Lola Jiblazee “Marcella in NYC” 2020, Acrylic on Canvas – Dimensions 60 x 50 x 1.5in. Available – More Info
Marcella, New York, New York: “Two years ago I spent all of my time in an apartment sad, angry, and scared, didn’t have a job, and felt like I couldn’t really talk to anyone. A few months later I found myself crying (more like sobbing) in union square when I missed the chance to adopt two other dogs in a rushed attempt to find my fur friend that would help get me though those times. But with a little patience later that day I saw a picture of my girl and it was absolutely love at first sight! I don’t know what I would do without her and all the happiness and hope that she brought into a dark time of my life. Lucky to go through quarantine doing even more of the usual things (walks and cuddles) with my bestie, my girl, Ruby” – Marcella
Lola Jiblazee “Piqria and Nikusha in Tokyo “2020 – Acrylic on Canvas – Dimensions 50 x 60 x 1.5in.
Piqria and Nikusha, Tokyo, Japan: “After I realized that I might give birth in Tokyo we found out that Japanese childbirth culture is very different from ours. First of all, Japanese men usually don’t attend childbirth and most of the hospitals don’t encourage fathers to participate in labors, which makes me bit anxious since I do have some fears of giving birth not being “home”, speaking not very good Japanese and feeling bit lonely, so Nikusha’s support and participation is really important for me. Second sensitive issue is that most of the Japanese hospitals do not use epidurals, which I was looking forward to use while giving birth in Georgia. I still hope we can negotiate both issues with the local hospital but if not I guess I have to start facing my fears on childbirth and working on them. Despite of cultural differences we both believe that our life is interesting because of unexpected adventures and we do hope that when our daughter will grow up she’s going to find the story of her birth exciting and feel bit special being born in Japan” – Piqria
Lola Jiblazee “Soraya in LES” 2020 Acrylic on Canvas – Dimensions 60 x 50 x 1.5in. Available – More Info
Soraya, Lower East Side, New York: “I, Soraya Lundy vow to inspire the world with love and knowledge. Sharing my struggles and how I persevered through them will motivate courage. I will support my people and bring communities together. I will continue to shed light as a reminder that LOVE overpowers HATE. I will do justice to my art. I will share and teach with passion. I will change, so I can make the change I want to see in the world. This is my purpose, this is my job. “ – Soraya
Lola Jiblazee “Ricky and Suli in NYC” 2020 – Acrylic on Canvas – Dimensions 50 x 60 x 1.5in
Ricky and Suli, New York, New York: “Ricky and I started a project shooting portraits of each other with film cameras. We began before NYC got locked down, and when the quarantine started, we had to stop shooting. A week or two later, Ricky and I were talking about how everything was going online, and that maybe we should go online with our photos also. Taking film photos, just like digital screen shots is a fascinating idea to me, and we’ve continued to shoot 2-3 times a week during the lockdown. COVID-19 revealed a lie; I thought we’re living in an ordered world, where everything works in some kind of order like the seasons. And then I realized the world is chaotic. I’m glad to do this project with Ricky during this period; it’s a sequenced process that seeks for an order in the chaos.”- Suli
Lola Jiblazee “Tata and Crosby” 2020, Acrylic on Canvas – Dimensions 60 x 50 x 1.5in. Available – More Info
Tata and Crosby, Brooklyn, New York: “Easter Sunday I was feeling fried so I went outside for some fresh air because you can lose all sense of time during quarantine. I looked down, saw an small egg with light brown spots sitting quietly on the curb and thought ‘an Easter Miracle!’ I scrambled inside, grabbed a t-shirt to wrap it in and set up a lamp to keep it warm. I started searching what kind of bird egg it could be, how long it would take to hatch, local New York bird sanctuaries, how much incubators cost and how many times a day I would need to rotate the egg. It dawned on me that maybe I poached it from a momma bird so I went back outside to look for a nest and found that our neighbors had set up their Easter decorations the night before… with yolk on my face I guess that Easter Miracle wasn’t everything it was cracked up to be.” – Crosby
Lola Jiblazee “Mikey in LES” 2020, Acrylic on Canvas – Dimensions 60 x 50 x 1.5in. Available – More Info
Mikey, Lower East Side, New York: “Question? Have you ever seen a movie and see how your life becomes a scene and or part of it? That’s the way I feel closing the gate of my ice cream shop. To close means a part of me cannot live. As an entrepreneur, you breathe, eat and sleep your business. Never giving up is the motto. Then something hits like a Mike Tyson uppercut in the first round. You can’t see it coming but it’s deadly. It’s not playing fair but it’s here. A pandemic. As the days pass, receiving calls of friends and family gone while we are quarantined, I can’t stay away from the shop. Even closed I go sweep the floor, dust, clean and then I leave. Feeling like a parent dropping off their child at pre K for the first time, I walk away feeling helpless not knowing what is in store for the future. The future of our lives. Then I start to think of a flavor. Another and another. Thinking of memories that inspire and create new ones. Flavors that will brighten our days and comfort us during times of uncertainty. “- Mikey
Lola Jiblazee “Mitch in BK” 2020 – Acrylic on Canvas – Dimensions 46 x 56 x 1.5in
Mitch, Brooklyn, New York “I work on things I never had the opportunity to work on because of the busy lifestyle of New York City. I wrote a to-do list of goals to accomplish: reading books, fixing my credit, improve my health, file for LLC Etc. A few weeks into the quarantine my grandmother suddenly passed away, two days later my stepdad fell ill with COVID-19. I was scared that I was going to lose another family member. After weeks of nursing him back to health, We got lucky my stepdad made a full recovery. The murder of George Floyd happens and sparks national protest. Still in the process of quarantining for two weeks because I was exposed to my stepdad. I wanted to protest but I couldn’t leave the house. I figured the best way I can be helpful was to start posting. I notice there was a lot of misinformation being spread around and figured I can be best helpful if I am collecting information vetting the information. Then make it available for my community. Just like in “The Matrix” Neo had an operator and I figured I can be the operator for everybody protesting.” – Mitch
Lola Jiblazee “Irene and Lars in Madrid” 2020 – Acrylic on Canvas – Dimensions 54 x 60 x 1.5in.
Irene and Lars, Madrid, Spain: “I just left the door downstairs open so he could sneak into the building, we had been together almost everyday of the quarantine but the restrictions were getting stricter, police would stop you if you were more than one person in the street, and he had to go back to the UK. We met on the rooftop and he told me he loved me for the first time, right before he left for the airport.“ – Irene
Lola Jiblazee in studio
Lola Jiblazee is a New York based contemporary artist from Tbilisi, Georgia committed to focusing on issues that represent her through the mediums of painting and performance art. Lola has participated in numerous international exhibitions including “CENTENNIAL: She” curated by GCCA and the New York State Museum, Patricia Field’s “ArtFashion”, “ONE YEAR OF RESISTANCE” curated by Indira Cesarine at The Untitled Space, Frida Kahlo House at Satellite Art Fair powered by Frida Kahlo Corporation & Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology & History, and Galerie P38 during Paris Art Week 2019. In 2019 she debuted as a performance artist for “Not Buried but Waiting” a film by Marguerite Van Cook for Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, Taiwan.
To inquire about any of the works featured in this exhibition
please email info@untitled-space.com
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